Do you need a speaker about workers compensation for your next meeting?
- Hello! I’m Randy Sieberg and we are currently filling our 2021 speaking schedule. I speak on a variety of workers compensation premium related topics. You’ll find my current speaking topics, listed below, appeal to a broad spectrum of event attendees and may be customized for your specific organization.
My field of expertise is workers compensation, more specifically the topics of workers compensation premium related issues, audit, experience rating and classifications. Our top ranked website is where you can learn more about workers compensation issues and specific consulting services we provide. In addition, our very popular workers compensation blog, accessed from this link or the menu bar above, provides in the trenches, real life help for our readers and subscribers.
My goal, through our workers compensation speaking service, is to generate the presentation outcome you need so your meeting is a success! For more information on my presentations, fees or to reserve a 2021 calendar date for your organization just drop me an email at [email protected] or give us a call. Someone from my team will get back with you as soon as possible. Thank you for considering me as a speaker for your group.
2021 Speaking Topics – Each topic shown below may be tailored to your industry and organizations specific needs.-
- When Workers Compensation Audits Go Wrong – Real life tips and suggestions about adverse audits
- Why audits go wrong;
- Explore the effects of an adverse audit;
- Identify key elements of an occurrence;
- Learn when and how to dispute an audit and other remedies.
- When Workers Compensation Audits Go Wrong – Real life tips and suggestions about adverse audits
- Why Insurance Companies Make Mistakes – And what can be done about it!
- Discover typical workers comp errors and mistakes made by insurance carriers;
- Gain a better understanding of why mistakes are made;
- Learn how mistakes effect an employer;
- What to do when mistakes are discovered.
- Why Insurance Companies Make Mistakes – And what can be done about it!
- Workers Compensation Audit Problems – A Contractors Perspective
- Using Subcontractors – The pros, cons and pitfalls;
- When construction employees do more than one job;
- When classification codes are changed at audit;
- How to avoid costly audit problems.
- Workers Compensation Audit Problems – A Contractors Perspective
- A Perfect Experience Modification Rate – Do you know yours?
- What is the EMR or experience modification rate;
- What is the perfect EMR;
- How to have your perfect EMR calculated;
- Why is it important and what role does it play in cost.
- A Perfect Experience Modification Rate – Do you know yours?
- Workers Compensation Classification Codes – aka Costly Confusion and Misunderstanding Run Amuck!
- Uncover the mystery that surrounds class codes;
- How codes play a direct role in policy cost;
- The governing classification and payroll separation – allowed or not?
- Why accurate codes are critical to the premium you pay.
- Workers Compensation Classification Codes – aka Costly Confusion and Misunderstanding Run Amuck!
- Get A Handle On Cost Factors That Increase Workers Compensation Premium –
- Learn the specific cost factors;
- Items that generate premium;
- Relationship of HR and safety programs to premium;
- How to monitor risk management effectiveness from a premium perspective;
- Get A Handle On Cost Factors That Increase Workers Compensation Premium –
- Experience Modification Changes – How they will affect your business –
- Changes occurring in EMR calculations;
- Sample claim effect on EMR projections;
- Where your company fits and what to expect;
- How to effectively manage EMR changes.
_____________________________________ What To Expect –That we will provide you and your organization with an informative, topical presentation about workers compensation premium related issues geared to your individual group and your participants individual interests.
You Can Expect From Me-
- A quick and professional response to your calls and email.
- A personal phone conference prior to your event so I can learn more about your group and how I may customize my presentation to better serve you and your organization.
- A professional presentation prepared and delivered to meet your goals.
- Reference information compiled specifically for your group which will include materials used in my presentation, links and websites that may be helpful for your attendees.
- A personal follow-up with you after my presentation.
Presentations Offered
- Half Hour to Half Day Presentations
- Formal or Informal Presentations
- Breakout Sessions
- Workshop
Presentation Topics
- Workers Compensation – Premium Issues and Experience Rating
- Workers Compensation Audit, Appeals, Classification Codes and Disputes
- Experience Modification – Changes, Calculations and Effects on Employers
Target Audience
- Business Conferences
- Business Seminars
- Various Industry Groups
- Employer Groups
- Employer Association Groups
- Association Groups
- Insurance Company and Agency Training Groups
- Chamber of Commerce
- Various Group Lunch Meetings
About Me –I formed our consulting firm in 2008 to provide assistance to employers experiencing problems with workers compensation audits. To my surprise our website, which provides insight into workers compensation premium issues, was an instant hit! Our thoughts were, and continue to be, to provide a website where employers, insurance professionals, insurance auditors and insurance company employees can go to learn about workers compensation premium generating issues. A place where we could provide a platform for free information about how the workers compensation process works. We quickly expanded our service area to include classification code, experience rating (EMR), retrospective rating, claim review and expert witness services. Our very active blog continues to provide hands on useful information for employers, insurance agents, insurance company underwriters, auditors and employers. We continue to develop, and publish, new material designed to help those with an interest in workers compensation premium issues, and other areas of our expertise, better understand how this simple insurance product can have such a great impact on every business.
With almost 40 years of practical, hands on experience, you will find I provide clients with a broad knowledge base of complicated workers compensation and insurance technical concepts condensed into easy to understand topical presentations. Please view my CV (resume) for more detailed information about my experience.
If you need a speaker for your group contact us! We’re currently filling out our 2021 speaking schedule and would like the opportunity to present our topics about workers compensation to your group or organization!
Voice: (573) 489-8323
Fax: (573) 447-4998
email: [email protected]