Use this directory to look up and verify whether or not an employer has workers compensation coverage.
It is important to verify workers compensation coverage for employers. Many states offer this service through their individual web pages but we’ve found it to be a real hassel when trying to locate any individual states workers compensation coverage verification service. So…we’ve compiled this directory of workers comp state verification sites that you can use to access any state to look up whether or not an employer may carry workers comp coverage for their business. Not all states offer this service so if you can’t find your state in our directory they may not offer a verification service at this time.
Choose the beginning letter of any state to verify an employers workers comp coverage:
Use our state by state indexed directory to lookup or verify that an employer has or has had a workers compensation policy. These links will take you directly to that section of any individual states web site where you can access their workers compensation verification service. By clicking on these links you will navagate away from our website so just hit the back button to return to our comp verification directory.
If you want or need to know if a contractor, subcontractor, independent contractor, employer or any organization has workers comp coverage our directory will assist you with that. Sure you can look these up independently and spend a lot of time searching the web to find the right state link but we’ve done most of that work for you!
As we’ve compiled this verification directory, we’ve notice that there are many differences between individual states as to what type of information they provide and as to the accuracy of that information. Please be aware that some of the information provided by the individual states may not be up to date accurate, they all have disclaimers on their sites about this. So if you have any situation where knowing if a workers comp policy is or was in effect for an employer is of critical importance make sure you contact the insurance company direct or otherwise verify the coverage independently, it’s the smart thing to do!
- Be Sure To Visit Our Top Ranking Blog…
- …for useful articles about a variety of workers compensation topics. From how and why to verify workers compensation coverage… to classificaiton code problems and solutions… to experience modification rates and impact of claims on the cost of workers comp you’ll find current information on work comp topics of interest to you!
Our directory provides links to all of the states listed below. Remember, in order to navigate to the correct state page just use the alphabet list above and click on the first letter of the state you are looking for that will take you to a page showing all states with the first letter you clicked. Or you can just pick the state from the list below. Both methods will take you to the page where you can access that individual states verification service. Here’s the states we provide information for:
Recommended Reading:
Video Transcript:
Why should you verify a workers comp policy?
We find there are two primary reasons to verify an employers workers comp insurance policy. They are premium and claims.
From a premium stand point you must know that a workers compensation policy is an auditable policy, that means the premium you pay at the beginning of the policy period is only a deposit premium and not the final cost of the policy. The final cost is determined after the expiration of the policy and when the audit is complete. It’s actually the audit process that determines the final premium.
And If your company uses subcontractors and in some states independent contractors, then it’s important that you know if those entities carry coverage while performing work for your company. The effects of an uninsured company doing work for you may only show up once the final audit is completed when all sums you’ve paid that other entity shows up on your policy as payroll and your workers comp carrier sends you a large additional premium bill.
In regards claims, it’s sometimes confusing as to who the insurance carrier was when a specific claim occurred and you have to submit a claim to that carrier for compensation. Some verification services will provide you with the past insured history of an employer making it easier to determine which company provided coverage during the time a claim occurred.
An uninsured company performing work can have many known and many unknown effects upon an employer. Verification of workers comp coverage can help.
When should a workers comp policy be verified?
Verification should be performed whenever there is some concern as to the status of any individual employers workers comp coverage and when knowing the status is important to your business operation either from a potential claim situation or increase in your workers comp costs due to the use of an uninsured company working for you.
How can a policy be verified?
Make your job easier, use this workers compensation coverage verification directory.
Most states now have on-line verification services for employers who carry workers compensation insurance. This service can be accessed through most state websites. Some are available through department of insurance sites, some are available through department of labor sites, some are provided through a partnership arrangement with NCCI that links to their national database, but most are just plain hard to find!
Our workers comp verification directory is designed to be the one, single place you can go and find access to any individual state verification service.
To use our directory just pick the beginning letter of the state you want to look up from the links on our directory page. You will be taken to another page listing all the states beginning with that letter, click the state link and you will be taken directly to that states coverage verification page. It’s that Easy. No more searching around the internet!
It’s a tool we use in our consulting work and it’s a tool we thought others may find helpful.
What kind of information may you need to use this service?
The information you’ll need to use the verification service will vary from state to state. The more accurate information you provide about an employer will provide you with the most accurate results. When looking up an employer you will generally have success if you have:
- The correct legal name of the business;
- The correct business address;
- And the correct federal tax identification number or FEIN.
Most sites do not require the FEIN and you can use their service just using the business name…but using the FEIN is usually the best and quickest method for a successful search.
What are some problems with the verification system?
Here’s a few things you need to be aware of;
While most of the information provided by participating states is up to date, you’ll find that most states provide the verification service for general information purposes only and all have disclaimers regarding the accuracy of the information they provide. And all will direct you to verify coverage directly with the insurer.
Not all employers may be listed or found within the search data bases and finding a no result return from a search does not necessarily mean there is no coverage for that employer. It may simply mean that current coverage was not reported to their data base. Also, some self insured employers may not be shown in the data base and may have special treatment by any individual state.
So, again, just because an employer does not show up on your search does not mean there is no coverage for that employer. You should always verify coverage through another source.
- Information found on these pages is provided only as a reference. While we strive to maintain accurate information on this site please realize workers compensation laws are complicated and subject to change at any time. No warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of this information is provided or to be implied. You must verify this data before use with the individual governing authority for this state. If you need help with a workers compensation problem or have a specific situation or question please contact our office. Otherwise please consult your states governing authority or an attorney in your state of residency for assistance.
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