A Thank You to the Insurance Journal and Chris Boggs

Last week I had the pleasure to speak, at the invitation of Christopher Boggs, Vice President of Education for the Insurance Journal’s Academy of Insurance, to a group of North Carolina Insurance Agents about workers compensation audits. 

I shared the stage with Chris and two other guest speakers to discuss the premium audit process. Chris took us through the confusing topic of who’s an employee. While David Leng, Vice President and Executive Partner of the Duncan Financial Group, took us through how to prepare your client for an audit. Ed Galloway, President of Commercial Insurance Services of Virginia, discussed the day of the audit and what to expect. And my part of the presentation was titled “The Audit Aftermath – Real Life Adverse Audit Advice.”

After the presentation Chris conducted a round table discussion where we had the opportunity to field questions from our audience. I’ll address some of those questions in more detail in this blog in the near future, so be sure to come back!

Also, keep your eyes out for a video of the presentation that will run on the Insurance Journal’s website within the next couple of weeks.

These three gentlemen are at the top of their game! I’m humbled by their professionalism, knowledge and willingness to share that information in an educational format with agents in the field. 

Thanks Chris for bringing us together in one place!
