In over 30 years of working with workers compensation insurance (Wow, has it been that long?) I’ve met some great folks in this industry! People dedicated to getting it right when so many others sometimes just don’t seem to have a clue. I want to acknowledge those folks, the ones who go the extra mile.
Insurance Agents. It’s a very difficult job. Men and women who take on this profession are sometimes caught in the middle performing a balancing act between their clients, the clients wants and needs and an insurance carrier and the demands they may place on them for the pleasure to represent their company. I’ve had the pleasure to meet and work with some really great insurance agents. Ones who take their clients best interests to heart each and every time, each and every day. People who really care about the clients they represent and do a great job in managing their workers comp needs.
Insurance Company Underwriters. One of the most knowledgable people I know is a leader in her department. She’s the go to person when it comes to knowing about how workers compensation works. A valuable asset for her company. A person who has rightfully earned the respect of agents, co-workers and company managers alike. Someone who goes the extra mile, who cares that it’s done right. Who puts the time and effort into learning about new and current workers comp issues. Who is always looking for ways to improve how her company manages their workers compensation business.
Insurance Auditors. It’s a tough job and I’ve had the pleasure over the years of working with some of the most knowledgeable auditors in the business. People who have gone the extra mile to take care of a policyholder. Who don’t just walk through the process but who get it right each and every time!
Employers. Business owners who know more about workers compensation, how it works and how it effects their business, than many of those directly involved in the industry. Who’ve taken the time to learn about coverage and how they can provide a safer work environment for their employees and how they can control the cost associated with this type of insurance coverage.
We often work with agents and employers who find themselves caught up in some kind of premium audit issue or who have been tripped up over some unknown or unfamiliar workers comp rule. Most of the time large amounts sums of money are hanging in the balance. When it comes to finding help with a premium audit problem or other workers compensation issue be assured, there are knowledgeable folks out there who can help!
Be sure to contact my office if you need any assistance with an audit, premium issue or require expert witness or litigation support with a workers compensation problem.